Here I am at 36 weeks, it was almost our last pregnancy picture!
On Monday, we went to the hospital with some late-preterm labor symptoms. We called the doctor shortly after we got up to get ready for work and he decided we should go to labor and delivery to get checked out. Luckily, we had started to do some packing on Sunday, but not all of it was done. Tim was running around the house trying to throw things in the bag and get Saige out of bed.
We drove Saige to daycare and she was very confused. She wanted to go to Matt and Abby's and could not figure out why we were all going to daycare. After we dropped off Saige, Tim and I headed to the hospital. We joked about how this was similar to when Saige was born, we thought we would be sent home shortly and we laughed about how we didn't even put the baby's car seat in the car yet, nor did we have a bed ready for the baby at home yet.
When we got to the hospital, we found out that I was having contractions and I was dilated 2 cm. We also found out that I had an infection, that was likely causing the contractions. The doctor and nurses were hoping the antibiotics would stop the labor from progressing and we would go home soon. After the first round of antibiotics, I started to have more contractions and had dilated further. All of a sudden, everyone thought we were going to have a baby!
The doctor called and the nursery staff came in and talked about all the risks and complications the baby could have because we were a week premature. Tim and I were overwhelmed and shocked. We were just trying to take it all in and were starting to realize that we were not quite ready for this baby (we still had a list at home to complete)! But, we also were excited and anxious to meet our little boy!
After a few hours though, we hadn't really noticed any changes in my labor and we began to realize one of two things. One, that this was going to the longest labor ever or two, that we maybe weren't going to have a baby. As you may have guessed, it was option two.
We ended up staying overnight for more antibiotics and observations. We were released this morning. We came home and started working on our list to do before the baby really gets here! Next week would be great, we would be full term! I am staying home for a couple of days to rest and then I will go back to work. Tim is back to work tomorrow.
Thank you to all of our family and friends for their support and help! Thanks to the Crane's for helping with Saige! Thanks to Emily and the math department for helping take care of my students and everything else at school!
Stay tuned, our next post may be to introduce the newest member of the Stallbaumer Family!